Ergebnisse: 26. POSTLAF 2024 Postlaf 2024

Filter (zum entfernen drauf klicken):Klasse: M45 [x] Geschlecht: m [x]
Platz PlG. Name PlK. Klasse Startnr. Nation Verein Zeit  
1. 13. 13. Marcolini, Benoit 1. M45 593 trityc 00:34:40 (00:34:37)
2. 18. 18. Faucheux, Brice 2. M45 2119 00:35:23 (00:35:20)
3. 24. 24. Zaghbib, Abdel 3. M45 1797 C.A.E.G. Grevenmacher 00:35:48 (00:35:45)
4. 29. 29. Melanda, Licinio 4. M45 2583 Trilux 00:36:25 (00:36:18)
5. 46. 45. Amaudrut, Jonathan 5. M45 221 As Cheminots Metz 00:37:13 (00:37:10)
6. 52. 50. Lubenets, Mikhail 6. M45 2613 Trilux 00:37:33 (00:37:25)
7. 61. 59. Ibendahl, Michael 7. M45 2612 00:38:26 (00:38:14)
8. 96. 93. Ammann, Hanspeter 8. M45 2057 00:40:04 (00:39:55)
9. 97. 94. Schwebach, Paul 9. M45 391 LCD Experience 00:40:07 (00:40:00)
10. 112. 109. WEYLAND, CHRISTIAN 10. M45 1730 TEAM X3M SNOOZE 00:40:34 (00:40:32)
11. 122. 118. LIPPERTS, Yves 11. M45 1517 CIS Wincrange 00:40:49 (00:40:42)
12. 144. 140. Bertholet, Gregory 12. M45 1445 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:41:26 (00:40:29)
13. 150. 146. Goubet, Pierre-Yves 13. M45 887 FDC Running 00:41:36 (00:41:27)
14. 151. 147. Poos, Christian 14. M45 986 00:41:37 (00:41:09)
15. 167. 162. Chiesa, Chiesa 15. M45 904 Marxgymnastikshop 00:42:07 (00:42:04)
16. 168. 163. Julien, Chiesa 16. M45 905 Marxgymnastikshop 00:42:07 (00:42:04)
17. 173. 168. Marx, Steve 17. M45 1598 TEAM X3M SNOOZE 00:42:13 (00:42:04)
18. 174. 169. Riestra Valle, Orelvys 18. M45 2906 00:42:14 (00:42:01)
19. 180. 174. Guetti, Laurent 19. M45 2553 C. A. Fola 00:42:21 (00:42:18)
20. 182. 176. Berg, Claude 20. M45 2477 CA Bieles 00:42:22 (00:42:22)
21. 186. 180. Kelly, Sean 21. M45 2763 00:42:25 (00:42:20)
22. 214. 206. Fitzgerald, Peter 22. M45 728 Statestreet 00:43:07 (00:42:56)
23. 219. 211. Blondel, Franck 23. M45 681 00:43:19 (00:43:15)
24. 235. 223. BEISSEL, Philippe 24. M45 2019 CSL 00:43:48 (00:43:42)
25. 237. 225. Schmitz, Fränk 25. M45 2904 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:43:54 (00:43:32)
26. 243. 231. Hübsch, Eric 26. M45 2521 CAD 00:43:58 (00:43:53)
27. 261. 249. Florimond, Sebastien 27. M45 2634 trityc 00:44:30 (00:44:14)
28. 263. 250. Zamboni, Alessandro 28. M45 1650 Wavestone 00:44:31 (00:44:23)
29. 276. 260. Munsch, Laurent 29. M45 886 00:44:41 (00:44:31)
30. 277. 261. Brayn, Warren 30. M45 2606 Serpentine Running Club 00:44:41 (00:44:23)
31. 279. 263. Mohy, Stephane 31. M45 1999 Banque Pictet 00:44:44 (00:44:35)
32. 292. 275. Brito, Luis 32. M45 2505 00:44:54 (00:44:47)
33. 297. 280. Mersch, Marc 33. M45 734 Gesundes-Laufen 00:44:57 (00:43:56)
34. 299. 282. Moules, Christopher 34. M45 1484 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:44:58 (00:44:50)
35. 301. 284. Emeringer, Tom 35. M45 645 00:45:01 (00:44:50)
36. 304. 287. Hoogveld, Roel 36. M45 1464 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:45:03 (00:44:39)
37. 314. 296. Scholer, Steve 37. M45 2922 POST Group - EBRC 00:45:11 (00:44:51)
38. 328. 307. Szymura, Maciej 38. M45 1645 SLAVA UKRAINI 00:45:29 (00:45:15)
39. 339. 316. Howell, Paul 39. M45 1839 00:45:38 (00:45:19)
40. 340. 317. Daniel, Schares 40. M45 1978 CSN Clervaux 00:45:38 (00:45:23)
41. 349. 325. Goniva, Florent 41. M45 399 Lafclub Police 00:45:50 (00:45:20)
42. 363. 337. Schweitzer, Mike 42. M45 316 00:46:03 (00:45:23)
43. 369. 342. Deschuyteneer, Marc 43. M45 2919 00:46:07 (00:46:03)
44. 371. 344. SEBASTIEN, FRANCOIS 44. M45 1871 FDC Running 00:46:09 (00:45:59)
45. 377. 349. Fahl, Thomas 45. M45 451 Ocorian 00:46:11 (00:46:01)
46. 383. 353. Osmont, Steve 46. M45 1001 Advent Luxembourg 00:46:15 (00:45:43)
47. 395. 364. Pasquino, Ivano 47. M45 2581 World Champion 00:46:22 (00:46:16)
48. 399. 368. TROPIANO, Ottavio 48. M45 1959 Spiridon Letzebuerg 00:46:24 (00:46:13)
49. 402. 371. Freymuth, Marc 49. M45 270 00:46:25 (00:44:44)
50. 405. 374. Giuliano, Cesare 50. M45 2522 real estate running 00:46:26 (00:46:24)
51. 415. 384. STRAINCHAMPS, Jim 51. M45 203 00:46:37 (00:46:31)
52. 422. 390. Cheynet, Antoine 52. M45 669 00:46:45 (00:46:38)
53. 435. 403. Eicher, Serge 53. M45 826 Lafclub Police 00:46:56 (00:46:31)
54. 436. 404. Frondizi, Eric 54. M45 2573 00:46:56 (00:46:38)
55. 442. 408. Folscheid, Bob 55. M45 2812 Trilux 00:47:01 (00:46:56)
56. 447. 413. Machado, Pedro 56. M45 2092 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:47:10 (00:46:11)
57. 457. 423. Pedro, Miguel 57. M45 2804 Associação “os vouzelenses” 00:47:19 (00:47:13)
58. 463. 429. Spinosa, Maurizio 58. M45 2541 // 00:47:26 (00:47:06)
59. 464. 430. Mortulevs, Aleksandrs 59. M45 1701 Aleksandrs Mortulevs 00:47:27 (00:47:09)
60. 500. 460. Quaresma, Miguel 60. M45 2110 00:47:53 (00:47:39)
61. 505. 465. Scarafino, Roberto 61. M45 2720 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:47:57 (00:47:28)
62. 506. 466. Bertonazzi, Alessandro 62. M45 511 FDC Running 00:47:59 (00:47:33)
63. 511. 471. Demeulenaere, Grégory 63. M45 1455 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:48:06 (00:47:50)
64. 514. 474. Le Pit, Frederic 64. M45 1473 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:48:07 (00:47:58)
65. 518. 477. Sondé, Hervé 65. M45 891 00:48:11 (00:47:51)
66. 519. 478. BIRASCHI, Steve 66. M45 727 Lafclub Police 00:48:12 (00:47:58)
67. 537. 494. Ley, Laurent 67. M45 991 00:48:27 (00:48:23)
68. 545. 500. Bourgeois, Sebastien 68. M45 2841 00:48:34 (00:48:16)
69. 563. 515. Bozzetti, Stanley 69. M45 2084 00:48:46 (00:48:22)
70. 570. 520. Schüller, Utz 70. M45 2743 00:48:50 (00:48:41)
71. 572. 522. Hindsbo, Anders 71. M45 2268 Cool Runnings Luxembourg 00:48:51 (00:47:32)
72. 573. 523. Dindelli, Luca 72. M45 2485 00:48:52 (00:47:20)
73. 579. 528. UHRES, Guy 73. M45 446 Team Soler 00:48:58 (00:47:59)
74. 593. 541. Proffitt-Perchard, Russell 74. M45 924 00:49:05 (00:47:50)
75. 594. 542. AFONSO, Miguel 75. M45 1949 AQUATECHNC SA 00:49:06 (00:47:46)
76. 599. 547. Gomes, Paulo 76. M45 1064 BDO Luxembourg 00:49:10 (00:49:02)
77. 603. 551. Vidoni, Diego 77. M45 658 00:49:15 (00:47:55)
78. 620. 566. Rene, Paulis 78. M45 2671 keine 00:49:25 (00:48:33)
79. 624. 570. Berard, Jean-Baptiste 79. M45 2279 European Commission 00:49:30 (00:48:09)
80. 640. 585. Melchior, Steve 80. M45 2536 00:49:42 (00:49:16)
81. 646. 590. Lebedev, Dmitry 81. M45 411 NSL Stroossen 00:49:45 (00:49:27)
82. 657. 599. Nguyen, Duy Cu 82. M45 2145 POST Luxembourg 00:49:57 (00:49:48)
83. 659. 600. Kulus, Gregory 83. M45 2600 Rice Krispie 00:49:58 (00:48:58)
84. 671. 610. Gillen, Jérôme 84. M45 1342 ENCEVO LOISIRS 00:50:12 (00:49:42)
85. 673. 612. Jander, Tom 85. M45 1879 Walfer Huesen 00:50:13 (00:50:03)
86. 677. 615. Costantini, Steve 86. M45 2833 Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:50:18 (00:49:44)
87. 726. 650. Stefansson, Stefan 87. M45 2547 LT Hesper 00:50:58 (00:50:18)
88. 730. 654. Weiler, Serge 88. M45 502 FLA-LL 00:50:59 (00:50:20)
89. 778. 696. Motika, Gabor 89. M45 2674 - 00:51:41 (00:51:17)
90. 787. 702. Warest, Vincent 90. M45 193 00:51:46 (00:50:30)
91. 828. 734. Appelfeller, Thomas 91. M45 1605 00:52:14 (00:51:20)
92. 846. 747. Konsbruck, Frank 92. M45 353 00:52:25 (00:51:57)
93. 850. 751. Carbonne, Christian 93. M45 1299 Byborg 00:52:25 (00:51:11)
94. 870. 766. Le bayon, Fabien 94. M45 170 00:52:36 (00:50:59)
95. 875. 770. Georgiu, David 95. M45 2333 Weiler Tower Runners 00:52:38 (00:52:31)
96. 890. 784. Reder, Claude 96. M45 1308 ENCEVO LOISIRS 00:52:47 (00:52:16)
97. 891. 785. Muno, Jerry 97. M45 495 LeTeam 00:52:47 (00:51:50)
98. 901. 793. de Laboulaye, Antoine 98. M45 2557 Luxauto 00:53:00 (00:52:04)
99. 902. 794. Teale, John 99. M45 150 Squatter and the Ant 00:53:01 (00:51:20)
100. 916. 807. Michaely, Danni 100. M45 235 00:53:12 (00:52:29)