POST Freijoersrandonnée Virtuel Edition 15.5/16.5 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: Adulte min. 60 km
Lastname Firstname M/F YOB Startnumber Nation Club
Fretz Marc 1985 1239 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Streff Joe 1981 1245 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Binsfeld Nico 1961 1268 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Grosber Guy 1959 1294 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Maquet Pascal 1976 1323 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Stranen Dân 1964 1357 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Menei Luciano 1970 1374 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg
Rock Daniel 1960 1397 LUX
Amicale POST Luxembourg