Results: Foyer Vollekslaf Walfer 2016 Vollekslaf Walfer

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Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 139. 9. Hoffmann, Isabelle 1. W30 1984 2355 LUX TEAM Citabel/spiridon 00:51:57
2. 204. 15. Mores, Jackie 2. W30 1985 2208 LUX 00:54:02
3. 235. 18. Harsch, Françoise 3. W30 1984 2488 LUX 00:55:03
4. 312. 26. Besch, Martine 4. W30 1983 2196 LUX 00:56:55
5. 370. 35. Byrne, Fiona 5. W30 1983 2796 IRL GAELIC Sports Club Luxembourg 00:58:19
6. 378. 38. Kieffer, Carole 6. W30 1983 2275 LUX 00:58:25
7. 385. 41. Fister, Emilie 7. W30 1982 3111 FRA NSL Spiridon 00:58:30
8. 406. 46. Besch, Nadine 8. W30 1986 2486 LUX 00:59:04
9. 411. 48. Ferron, Noemie 9. W30 1982 3187 LUX 00:59:17
10. 441. 55. Kayser, Isabelle 10. W30 1982 2764 LUX 01:00:06
11. 479. 63. Wantz, Carine 11. W30 1986 2117 LUX SPORTS Equestres Fautelfiels 01:01:02
12. 492. 66. Ueberschlag, Annick 12. W30 1984 2232 LUX 01:01:18
13. 510. 68. Farenzena, Angela 13. W30 1984 2936 LUX 01:01:43
14. 543. 77. Baverel, Audrey 14. W30 1983 2506 FRA 01:02:42
15. 574. 84. Fernandes, Jessica 15. W30 1985 2408 LUX 01:03:21
16. 581. 86. Martos Jimenez, Maria Luisa 16. W30 1982 2843 ESP CDCEBE 01:03:29
17. 583. 87. Bram, Elisabeth 17. W30 1986 3228 LUX LJBM 01:03:31
18. 597. 92. Beaute, Emmanuelle 18. W30 1984 2947 FRA 01:03:46
19. 605. 94. Meyers, Magali 19. W30 1983 2521 LUX SELLYOURHOME.LU 01:04:01
20. 641. 104. Cloos, Lis 20. W30 1985 3302 LUX 01:04:53
21. 645. 106. Wolynska, Joanna 21. W30 1983 2958 POL 01:04:58
22. 651. 110. Wagner, Kristina 22. W30 1985 2464 LUX LAFCLUB Police 01:05:02
23. 669. 117. Hoffmann, Annick 23. W30 1983 3059 LUX 01:05:21
24. 675. 119. Elvinger, Lynn 24. W30 1984 2287 LUX CEBI 01:05:26
25. 685. 121. Ewen, Catherine 25. W30 1985 2252 LUX AS Douanes 01:05:38
26. 690. 125. Weber, Esther 26. W30 1986 2966 LUX 01:05:48
27. 697. 128. Theisen, Tessy 27. W30 1982 2102 LUX ESPERIA Runners 01:05:57
28. 700. 131. Marx, Lynn 28. W30 1984 2351 LUX CAD 01:05:59
29. 730. 140. Guth, Jill 29. W30 1985 3186 LUX 01:06:51
30. 735. 145. Talbi, Feriel 30. W30 1985 2548 LUX FOLA Laftreff 01:06:55
31. 742. 148. Block, Manon 31. W30 1986 3255 LUX CLUB: Fdcrunning 01:07:04
32. 757. 152. Michalski, Joelle 32. W30 1983 2783 LUX 01:07:26
33. 777. 160. Piren, Valérie 33. W30 1986 2202 LUX 01:07:54
34. 787. 164. Controguerra, Delia 34. W30 1985 2976 LUX 01:08:09
35. 807. 172. Fischer, Joanne 35. W30 1986 2940 LUX 01:08:39
36. 816. 175. Kolber, Christine 36. W30 1986 2497 LUX 01:08:52
37. 825. 179. Da Costa Vieira, Carina Alexandra 37. W30 1984 2339 PRT CEBI 01:09:09
38. 831. 183. Estanqueiro, Ana 38. W30 1985 3236 PRT 01:09:11
39. 832. 184. Alibasic, Maida 39. W30 1983 3323 LUX RAIFFEISEN 01:09:14
40. 840. 191. Koch, Anne 40. W30 1986 2905 LUX / 01:09:24
41. 844. 192. Stone, Harriet 41. W30 1985 2125 GBR 01:09:28
42. 849. 195. Berger, Nathalie 42. W30 1982 2876 LUX 01:09:31
43. 861. 198. Lauer, Nicole 43. W30 1984 3219 LUX 01:09:38
44. 863. 199. Herzeele, Christine 44. W30 1984 2978 LUX 01:09:39
45. 893. 212. Reding, Jennifer 45. W30 1986 2932 LUX 01:10:41
46. 908. 219. Eicher, Martine 46. W30 1984 2830 LUX 01:10:57
47. 909. 220. Weimerskirch, Martine 47. W30 1983 2927 LUX 01:10:57
48. 927. 233. Doyle, Nuala 48. W30 1983 2795 IRL 01:11:46
49. 948. 247. Cansler, Jacqueline 49. W30 1982 3061 LUX FDC Running 01:13:04
50. 956. 253. Gengler, Anne 50. W30 1985 3038 LUX 01:13:12
51. 964. 254. Keller, Marie 51. W30 1982 2592 FRA 01:13:31
52. 977. 263. Schmit, Catherine 52. W30 1982 2050 LUX 01:14:04
53. 985. 269. Thill, Tania 53. W30 1983 2454 LUX 01:14:39
54. 1020. 288. Stenier, Nathalie 54. W30 1982 2048 BEL 01:15:50
55. 1023. 291. Martini, Audrey 55. W30 1985 2316 FRA 01:15:56
56. 1026. 293. Lupu, Adina 56. W30 1984 2781 ROU 01:16:06
57. 1035. 296. Arend, Annemarie 57. W30 1986 2388 LUX 01:16:31
58. 1041. 300. Lenglet, Joanna 58. W30 1985 2195 GBR 01:17:09
59. 1042. 301. Hatz, Patricia 59. W30 1984 2004 LUX 01:17:10
60. 1045. 304. Cane, Maria Denise 60. W30 1982 2349 ITA 01:17:14
61. 1060. 313. Wagner, Fabienne 61. W30 1982 2132 LUX 01:18:42
62. 1064. 317. Schischlik, Maria-Ines 62. W30 1983 2449 AUT 01:18:54
63. 1068. 321. Bollier, Magali 63. W30 1982 2616 FRA JOIN 01:19:07
64. 1084. 334. Lauret, Emilie 64. W30 1985 3337 FRA 01:20:24
65. 1091. 338. Hartz, Tessy 65. W30 1983 2360 LUX 01:21:18
66. 1092. 339. Guenole, Solene 66. W30 1983 3192 FRA 01:21:20
67. 1101. 344. Gonzalez, Ruth 67. W30 1982 2326 PRT CEBI 01:22:31
68. 1103. 346. Santos Soares, Nadine 68. W30 1983 2771 LUX 01:22:40
69. 1105. 347. Stenuit, Juliette 69. W30 1984 2565 FRA 01:22:52
70. 1108. 350. Neff, Ines 70. W30 1983 2215 DEU 01:23:35
71. 1109. 351. Maurer, Véronique 71. W30 1986 3012 LUX 01:23:50
72. 1123. 359. Maulà, Angela 72. W30 1984 3325 ITA 01:26:55
73. 1154. 372. Schroeder, Pit 73. W30 1984 3042 LUX 01:35:47
74. 1158. 374. Willem, Florence 74. W30 1982 2902 BEL 01:36:58