Results: Foyer Vollekslaf Walfer 2016 Vollekslaf Walfer

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Filter (click to remove it):Nation: FRA [x] Year of Birth: 1978 [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 24. 1. Da-Ponte, Nathalie 1. W35 1978 2799 FRA 00:44:39
2. 901. 684. Cullierrier, Guillaume 119. M35 1978 3344 FRA 01:10:49
3. 952. 702. Dias, Mike 125. M35 1978 2292 FRA CEBI 01:13:10
4. 954. 252. Gomes, Carine 57. W35 1978 2293 FRA CEBI 01:13:11
5. 965. 255. Wallet, Nadège 58. W35 1978 2579 FRA 01:13:32
6. 1080. 330. Sanogoh, Pascale 71. W35 1978 2924 FRA 01:20:12