Foyer Kannerlaf Parc Merveilleux 2024 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: Ludiques 2017-2019
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Lastname Firstname M/F Nation Club
Dax Levy LUX
Delcourt Shahina LUX
Alves Raphaël LUX
Pracucci Alessio LUX
Stoffel Flynn LUX
Stoffel Matty LUX
Leonie Caetano LUX
Hemmen Mai LUX
Michels Lionel LUX
Luan Kapllani LUX
Georges Tommy LUX
Theisen Jules LUX
Syoen Elenor LUX
Laranja Rafael LUX
Ceccato Skott Jona LUX
Stringaro Olivier LUX
Stringaro Hannah LUX
Mahault Maéline LUX
Admitable Muller Victor LUX
Thill Lucy LUX
Monacelli-Schwartz Elena LUX
Donven Marie LUX
Theves Maxie LUX
Fischer Victor LUX
Pires jans Matthias LUX
Ferreira Frausing Malena LUX
Sauber Leonie LUX
Choisel Maxime LUX
Losch Chloé LUX
Federmeyer Lea LUX
Delvaux Marie LUX
Delvaux Julie LUX
Hamer Maxim LUX
Milbers Chris LUX
Resch Iriela LUX
Resch Aro LUX
Avenanti Chloé LUX
Jbir Kohnen Ines LUX
Jbir Kohnen Emma LUX
Simon Finn LUX
Elens Ben LUX
Felix Yonah LUX
Johnstone Jessie LUX
Schmit Charlie LUX
Yanis Settinger LUX
Linster Vic LUX
Nguyen Nelia LUX
Libar Ackermann Arthur LUX
Hencks Levi LUX
Wampach Pit LUX
Ferreira Liam LUX
Muno Lio LUX
Fernandes Mateo LUX
Schroeder Emily LUX
Elodie Hau LUX
Kalmes Rafael LUX
Bastian Emil LUX
Theis Max LUX
Theis Hannah LUX
Wahl Julie LUX
Wahl Louis LUX
Popow Jona LUX
Dublin Maya LUX
Tingvold Jakob LUX
Hamen Léana LUX
Messina Elisa LUX
Genot Finola LUX
Hoegener Jim LUX
Goetzinger Matteo LUX
De Kroon Paul LUX
Lombardi Collin LUX
rill kian LUX
Junk Lily LUX
Huberty Valentin LUX
Motschall Theo LUX
Gil De Freitas Enzo LUX
Kauffmann Nelio LUX
Rugova Mira LUX
Schaus Lia LUX
Schaus Jo LUX
Falkenstein Jaeger Angelo LUX
Hoscheid Lynn LUX
Kieffer Ben LUX
Bodri Stella LUX
Penny Yanis LUX
Wagner Scott LUX
Steffen Lilli LUX
Audrey de Waha LUX
Barbosa Fernandes Mia LUX
Barbosa Fernandes Tomás LUX
Gales Jan LUX
Mukherjee Neev LUX
Wiesen Robin LUX
Knepper Lucie LUX
Areno Matis LUX
Hastert Leo LUX
Galvao Leonie LUX