Results: 4. Steel Run Differdange «Well mär si Stol*» 10km

Filter (click to remove it):Gender: m [x] Year of Birth: 1997 [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 175. 157. Wagner, Maurice 33. M20 1997 582 LUX RBUAP 01:03:53
2. 512. 367. Kauffmann, Tom 65. M20 1997 135 LUX 01:18:46
3. 576. 406. Hick, Vincent 74. M20 1997 239 LUX 01:21:50
4. 686. 454. Max, Koch 86. M20 1997 693 LUX 01:27:23