Results: 4. Leopard UTML Ultratrail du Müllerthal Long-Trail

Filter (click to remove it):Year of Birth: 1975 [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 4. 4. Florzoone, Filip 4. M 1975 7131 BEL ACG 07:28:33 (00:00:00)
2. 41. 36. Leijnen, Sven 36. M 1975 7100 BEL 10:30:04 (00:00:00)
3. 51. 45. Wilke, Ulf 45. M 1975 7004 DEU 11:07:19 (00:00:00)
4. 84. 74. FAUCHERON, SEBASTIEN 74. M 1975 7114 FRA 12:40:56 (00:00:00)