Results: 4. Leopard UTML Ultratrail du Müllerthal Trail

Filter (click to remove it):Class: M [x] Gender: m [x] Year of Birth: 1974 [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 14. 14. Defechereux, Cedric 14. M 1974 3061 BEL Crampoons de lOurthe 03:39:07 (00:00:00)
2. 26. 25. Goffard, Frederic 25. M 1974 3414 BEL 03:49:54 (00:00:00)
3. 119. 106. Bruno, Ney 106. M 1974 3464 DEU LG Pronsfeld-Lünebach 04:38:52 (00:00:00)
4. 124. 111. Lotz, Marco 111. M 1974 3010 DEU 04:40:37 (00:00:00)
5. 189. 167. Frederic, Kuhn 167. M 1974 3001 FRA MP TRAIL 54 05:02:41 (00:00:00)
6. 208. 180. Priol, Pierre 180. M 1974 3297 FRA Trail in woippy 05:07:28 (00:00:00)
7. 210. 182. Benaissa, St‚phane 182. M 1974 3317 FRA 05:08:15 (00:00:00)
8. 215. 184. FLECHET, Thierry 184. M 1974 3184 BEL JCPMF Musson 05:09:02 (00:00:00)
9. 323. 263. Santana, Salvador 263. M 1974 3428 LU 06:01:29 (00:00:00)
10. 341. 274. HIRSCH, Sébastien 274. M 1974 3210 FRA MP Trail 06:12:32 (00:00:00)
11. 347. 277. Sacha, Stojadinovic 277. M 1974 3266 LUX 06:24:12 (00:00:00)