Results: 3. Steel Run Differdange «Well mär si Stol*» 10km

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Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class YOB Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 37. 36. Feltes, Carlo 1. M50 1966 669 LUX X3M Triathlon Mersch 00:47:50
2. 76. 74. Christophe, Serge 3. M50 1967 940 LUX 00:51:49
3. 98. 94. Notermans, Guy 5. M50 1965 359 LUX CAD 00:52:42
4. 102. 97. Rota, Yves 6. M50 1968 311 LUX 00:52:56
5. 126. 119. Löffler, Curt-Jan 7. M50 1964 991 LUX Mullerthal Cycling/ Löffler Security Systems 00:54:11
6. 195. 174. Reding, Pierre 8. M50 1964 662 LUX 00:57:38
7. 226. 202. de Bastos, Vitor 10. M50 1967 408 LUX 00:59:22
8. 264. 232. Hays, Vincent 11. M50 1967 241 LUX 01:00:25
9. 286. 250. Lang, Claude 12. M50 1964 884 LUX 01:01:46
10. 340. 285. Biver, Ed 15. M50 1968 983 LUX 01:03:22
11. 347. 289. Rene, Nirenhausen 16. M50 1967 935 LUX 01:03:34
12. 365. 302. Wilhelm, Daniel 17. M50 1967 506 LUX RBUAP Differdingen 01:04:03
13. 414. 333. Van landeghem, Patrick 18. M50 1968 500 LUX Esperia Runners 01:05:44
14. 422. 337. Reiter, Joël 19. M50 1966 103 LUX 01:05:51
15. 575. 419. Hammes, Serge 24. M50 1968 648 LUX fitbyNATURE 01:11:20
16. 609. 438. Bombled, David 26. M50 1968 788 LUX 01:12:58
17. 677. 470. Mathekowitsch, Gilles 27. M50 1967 378 LUX 01:16:28
18. 734. 500. Marx, Jean-Pierre 30. M50 1966 859 LUX 01:18:37
19. 786. 522. Fernando, Tavares 33. M50 1968 334 LUX 01:24:45