Results: 23. Postlaf 2018 10km

Filter (click to remove it):Class: M50 [x] Gender: m [x] Nation: BE [x]
Place M/F. Name Pl/Cl Class Startnumber Nation Club Zeit  
1. 495. 460. Felix, Paul 25. M50 91 BE Product Management PTel 00:46:47 (00:46:34)
2. 833. 733. Bosseler, Andre 59. M50 1770 BE Aracpieds 00:50:22 (00:48:56)
3. 1221. 1009. LESCROART, Thierry 86. M50 1968 BE Banque de Luxembourg 00:54:24 (00:52:02)
4. 1230. 1014. Geraerts, Jean-Luc 87. M50 1778 BE Arachpieds 00:54:30 (00:53:05)
5. 1399. 1129. Stevens, Gerald 97. M50 2147 BE TRIALYS 00:56:03 (00:53:09)
6. 2086. 1497. Guilluy, Michel 135. M50 1776 BE Arachpieds 01:05:09 (01:04:34)
7. 2248. 1544. Lefebvre, Jean-Marc 147. M50 1780 BE Arachpieds 01:08:57 (01:07:30)