17. Zeller Raiffeisenbank Adventslauf 2023 list of participants

All participants of the discipline: Staffellauf
Filter (click to remove it):Club: Marienburg Runners [x]
Team Members M/F Status Startnumber Nation Club
Marienburg Runners - Team P-Town Maximilian Ziegler
Nico Simonis
Thomas Kockelmann
Isabell Mackowiak
Marienburg Runners
Marienburg Runners - Saar-Mosel-Mixed Marcel Luka
Kerstin Ewen
Lena Goeres
Joachim Schawo
Marienburg Runners
Marienburg Runners - Eifel meets Mosel Georg Dax
Stefanie Bartholome
Stefan Lenz
Astrid Sanchen
Marienburg Runners