Ergebnisse: 21. Postlaf 2016 10km Postlaf

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Platz PlG. Name PlK. Klasse Nation Verein Zeit  
301. 319. 301. Bertrand, Alain 39. M40 LU 00:43:33 (00:42:41)
302. 320. 302. Leguillon, Alexandre 50. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:43:35 (00:42:47)
303. 321. 303. Epis, Remi 40. M40 LU 00:43:36 (00:43:29)
304. 322. 304. Greis, Marc 5. M55 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:43:38 (00:43:14)
305. 323. 305. D'Amico, Marco 72. M35 LU BCEE 00:43:41 (00:42:59)
306. 324. 306. Hurry, Steve 42. M45 GB Trilux 00:43:41 (00:43:08)
307. 325. 307. SCHUMACHER, CARLO 3. M60 LU CAEG 00:43:41 (00:43:30)
308. 327. 308. Marinelli, Sergio 21. M50 LU Runnersclub Dyl 00:43:44 (00:43:37)
309. 328. 309. Breyer, Christian 41. M40 LU Lafclub Police 00:43:44 (00:43:10)
310. 329. 310. Stranen, Marc 6. M55 LU DHHasD 00:43:46 (00:43:26)
311. 331. 311. MULLER, Georges 43. M45 LUX TRISPEED Mamer 00:43:47 (00:43:25)
312. 332. 312. Di Ronco, Ivo 51. MHK LU 00:43:48 (00:43:39)
313. 333. 313. Rubio, Patrick 42. M40 L Banque de Luxembourg 00:43:48 (00:43:30)
314. 334. 314. Scheer, Pascal 43. M40 LU Ministère des Finances 00:43:50 (00:43:38)
315. 336. 315. Hebbache, Hafid 52. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:43:51 (00:43:38)
316. 337. 316. Hebisch, Raoul 73. M35 LU CA Belvaux 00:43:52 (00:43:40)
317. 338. 317. Hutmacher, Joe 44. M40 LU 00:43:52 (00:43:24)
318. 339. 318. Taavitsainen, Ossi 53. MHK LUX Finish Marathon Runners 00:43:52 (00:43:23)
319. 340. 319. Dumurcq, Eynil 54. MHK F 00:43:52 (00:43:05)
320. 341. 320. Da Silva Mendes, Jordan 21. MJU LU CA Dudelange 00:43:52 (00:43:22)
321. 342. 321. Alzin, Philippe 74. M35 LU Ceratizit 00:43:52 (00:43:35)
322. 343. 322. Andrieux, Loic 44. M45 LUX 00:43:57 (00:43:32)
323. 344. 323. Noel, Guy 45. M40 LU Guy Noel Band 00:43:58 (00:43:42)
324. 345. 324. De Courcy, Bertrand 7. M55 FR 00:43:58 (00:43:33)
325. 346. 325. Mercier, Clement 55. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:43:59 (00:43:49)
326. 347. 326. Quaresma, Miguel 46. M40 LU 00:44:01 (00:42:58)
327. 348. 327. Gautier, Laurent 56. M30 FR 00:44:01 (00:43:38)
328. 349. 328. Zangerl, Thomas 57. M30 AT 00:44:01 (00:43:30)
329. 350. 329. Mergen, Johny 47. M40 LU 00:44:03 (00:43:37)
330. 351. 330. Schon, Thierry 58. M30 LU 00:44:04 (00:43:51)
331. 353. 331. Reding, Tim 22. MJU LU 00:44:05 (00:43:25)
332. 354. 332. Theisen, Oliver 45. M45 LU Lusitanos 00:44:06 (00:43:40)
333. 355. 333. Mousel, Romain 48. M40 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:44:07 (00:43:45)
334. 356. 334. Futchon, Simon 22. M50 LUX 00:44:08 (00:43:18)
335. 357. 335. Schmit, Philippe 75. M35 FR Arendt & Medernach SA 00:44:09 (00:43:49)
336. 358. 336. Goerens, Pierre 76. M35 LU 00:44:09 (00:43:25)
337. 359. 337. Nilles, Robert 8. M55 LUX CAPA 00:44:10 (00:43:53)
338. 360. 338. Lamoulen, Charles 49. M40 FR 00:44:13 (00:43:48)
339. 361. 339. Kiesch, Jeff 56. MHK LU 00:44:13 (00:43:40)
340. 362. 340. Thiltges, Scott 57. MHK LUX 00:44:14 (00:43:34)
341. 363. 341. Smyth, Jeremy 9. M55 GB 00:44:15 (00:43:35)
342. 364. 342. Gonzalez, Xavier 58. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:44:16 (00:43:40)
343. 365. 343. Papillo, Daniel 23. M50 LUX 00:44:18 (00:44:10)
344. 366. 344. Zeyer, Michael 59. M30 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:44:19 (00:43:37)
345. 368. 345. Blasen, Yves 77. M35 LU 00:44:19 (00:43:54)
346. 369. 346. Marche, Christian 78. M35 LU CAEG 00:44:20 (00:44:11)
347. 370. 347. Martins, Carlos 24. M50 PT 00:44:21 (00:44:15)
348. 371. 348. Houot, Romain 46. M45 FR RBUAP 00:44:21 (00:44:08)
349. 372. 349. Santos, Paulo 59. MHK LU L.C. Spuerkees 00:44:21 (00:43:49)
350. 373. 350. Feltes, Carlo 25. M50 FR X3M Triathlon Mersch 00:44:22 (00:44:18)
351. 374. 351. Moussaid, Driss 47. M45 LU 00:44:22 (00:43:51)
352. 375. 352. Gaillard, Nicolas 60. MHK BE PwC Luxembourg 00:44:23 (00:43:34)
353. 376. 353. Bontemps, Nico 60. M30 LU 00:44:23 (00:44:00)
354. 377. 354. Machuron, Charles-Louis 61. M30 L 00:44:23 (00:44:01)
355. 378. 355. Tex, Claude 26. M50 LU CA Dudelange 00:44:23 (00:44:07)
356. 379. 356. Klein, Marc 79. M35 LU CAB 00:44:24 (00:44:15)
357. 380. 357. Balin, Mickael 48. M45 FR CSL 00:44:25 (00:43:47)
358. 381. 358. Meyer, Francois 4. M60 L 00:44:25 (00:43:59)
359. 382. 359. Morim, Paulo 50. M40 PT 00:44:25 (00:43:24)
360. 383. 360. Debay, Lorenzo 62. M30 FR PwC Luxembourg 00:44:26 (00:43:37)
361. 384. 361. Schiltz, Steven 63. M30 LU LG Langsur 00:44:26 (00:43:58)
362. 385. 362. Engelberg, Serge 27. M50 L CAD 00:44:27 (00:44:10)
363. 387. 363. Nardis, Domenico 51. M40 LU 00:44:29 (00:44:10)
364. 388. 364. Steichen, Kevin 80. M35 LU Ville de Luxembourg 00:44:29 (00:43:56)
365. 389. 365. Meyer, Joachim 64. M30 FR PwC Luxembourg 00:44:31 (00:43:32)
366. 390. 366. Kolovratník, David 81. M35 CZ 00:44:31 (00:42:48)
367. 391. 367. Hipp, Christian 49. M45 LU Lafclub Police 00:44:33 (00:44:27)
368. 392. 368. Durand, Bastien 65. M30 FR Citabel 00:44:34 (00:44:26)
369. 393. 369. Wagener, Gilles 28. M50 LUX BIL Runners 00:44:34 (00:44:17)
370. 394. 370. Pereira, Nuno 82. M35 LUX 00:44:35 (00:44:10)
371. 395. 371. O'Connell, Tim 29. M50 IE 00:44:36 (00:43:58)
372. 396. 372. Diederich, Fränz 66. M30 LU POST Luxembourg 00:44:36 (00:44:17)
373. 397. 373. Raguet, Thierry 67. M30 LU 00:44:36 (00:43:30)
374. 398. 374. Reding, Georges 83. M35 L 00:44:37 (00:44:18)
375. 399. 375. Van renterghem, Mehdi 68. M30 BE 00:44:38 (00:44:31)
376. 400. 376. Schmit, Clod 30. M50 LU Lazybones 00:44:41 (00:44:22)
377. 402. 377. Floch, Jean-Brice 69. M30 FR Bofferding 00:44:42 (00:44:27)
378. 403. 378. Blasen, Marc 31. M50 LU 00:44:42 (00:44:31)
379. 404. 379. WEYRICH, Romain 70. M30 LUX 00:44:43 (00:44:12)
380. 405. 380. Cnyrim, Fabrice 71. M30 BE 00:44:43 (00:44:18)
381. 406. 381. PERL, PAUL 32. M50 00:44:44 (00:44:36)
382. 407. 382. Wies, Romain 52. M40 LU 00:44:44 (00:44:29)
383. 408. 383. Weiler, Joël 50. M45 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:44:48 (00:44:46)
384. 409. 384. Schreurs, Serge 51. M45 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:44:48 (00:44:06)
385. 410. 385. Reiter, Michel 84. M35 LU 00:44:48 (00:44:07)
386. 411. 386. Hamou, Olivier 53. M40 FR Arendt & Medernach SA 00:44:49 (00:43:30)
387. 412. 387. Engel, Yves 85. M35 LU Lafclub Police Grand-Duca 00:44:51 (00:44:16)
388. 413. 388. Henriques, Luis 72. M30 PT OCDB 00:44:52 (00:44:36)
389. 414. 389. Lessmann, Hans-Jürgen 33. M50 DE Caritas Luxembourg 00:44:52 (00:44:28)
390. 415. 390. Hopp, Patrick 54. M40 L 00:44:53 (00:44:21)
391. 417. 391. Zeimetz, Charel 61. MHK LU 00:44:53 (00:44:17)
392. 418. 392. Pimenta, Sergio 73. M30 BE POST Group - EBRC 00:44:54 (00:43:37)
393. 420. 393. Lanners, Michel 34. M50 LU Caritas Luxembourg 00:44:57 (00:44:38)
394. 421. 394. O'Rourke, Damien 86. M35 IE POST Luxembourg 00:44:57 (00:44:43)
395. 422. 395. Faltrauer, Gilles 52. M45 LU 00:44:59 (00:44:42)
396. 423. 396. Schimberg, Mathis 5. M60 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:45:00 (00:44:48)
397. 425. 397. Zaglaniczny, MichaI 87. M35 PL KAFAREK&LEWAREK 00:45:01 (00:44:55)
398. 426. 398. Krier, Benoit 74. M30 LU CA Belvaux 00:45:01 (00:44:43)
399. 427. 399. Leoci, Vito 10. M55 LU Mercedes-Benz Luxembourg 00:45:03 (00:45:03)
400. 428. 400. Bellaoui, Ben 23. MJU LU 00:45:04 (00:44:24)