Ergebnisse: 21. Postlaf 2016 10km Postlaf

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Platz PlG. Name PlK. Klasse Nation Verein Zeit  
1001. 1167. 1001. Reding, Yves 93. M50 LU 00:51:51 (00:50:55)
1002. 1168. 1002. Hellenbrand, Xavier 180. M35 LU Beruffspomjeen Lux 00:51:54 (00:50:25)
1003. 1171. 1003. Giannandrea, Jos 94. M50 LU Tränteler 00:51:56 (00:51:19)
1004. 1172. 1004. Conzemius, Charles 145. MHK LU 00:51:56 (00:48:58)
1005. 1173. 1005. Koob, Jerome 59. MJU LU SC Berufspomjëeen 00:51:57 (00:49:35)
1006. 1174. 1006. Weber, Oliver 157. M40 DE PwC Luxembourg 00:51:58 (00:50:37)
1007. 1175. 1007. Meyers, Patrick 134. M45 LU Siemens S.A. 00:52:00 (00:49:03)
1008. 1176. 1008. Gereke, Steve 165. M30 L DT PREIZERDAUL 00:52:00 (00:51:29)
1009. 1179. 1009. Berger, Max 146. MHK LUX 00:52:03 (00:51:50)
1010. 1180. 1010. Fabbri, Marco 158. M40 L TRILUX 00:52:03 (00:51:55)
1011. 1181. 1011. Oms, Pascal 135. M45 LU 00:52:04 (00:51:16)
1012. 1182. 1012. Abassi, Asmatullah 147. MHK AF 00:52:05 (00:52:05)
1013. 1183. 1013. Morch, Filip 181. M35 LU NSL Stroossen 00:52:05 (00:49:30)
1014. 1184. 1014. Federici, Daniel 136. M45 LU 00:52:05 (00:51:15)
1015. 1185. 1015. Lecocq, Sebastien 166. M30 FR Sales-Lentz 00:52:05 (00:51:56)
1016. 1186. 1016. Fricke, Patrick 159. M40 LU 00:52:06 (00:49:56)
1017. 1189. 1017. Blauwart, Aurelien 60. MJU FR Enovos Creos Loisirs 00:52:07 (00:49:26)
1018. 1190. 1018. Ratel, Johnny 148. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:52:07 (00:51:16)
1019. 1193. 1019. Nuevalos, Jorge 137. M45 ES C.A.SAN ANTONIO 00:52:10 (00:50:18)
1020. 1194. 1020. Gondouin, Philippe 138. M45 FR 00:52:10 (00:50:35)
1021. 1196. 1021. Schickes, Tom 167. M30 LU Lafclub Police 00:52:13 (00:49:42)
1022. 1198. 1022. Mais, Philippe 168. M30 LU 00:52:13 (00:51:04)
1023. 1199. 1023. Boisseau, Alexandre 149. MHK FR PwC Luxembourg 00:52:14 (00:51:05)
1024. 1203. 1024. Lagrange, Gilles 169. M30 BE 00:52:15 (00:50:33)
1025. 1204. 1025. Zwank, Carlo 182. M35 LU 00:52:15 (00:50:04)
1026. 1205. 1026. Britz, Thibaut 170. M30 LUX Talkwalker 00:52:16 (00:51:14)
1027. 1206. 1027. Sequeiros, Matheus 61. MJU LU Triforce 00:52:17 (00:50:02)
1028. 1207. 1028. Povoa, Carlos 95. M50 LU Laaftreff Leideleng 00:52:18 (00:51:25)
1029. 1209. 1029. Bonfiglio, Herve 139. M45 FR Citabel 00:52:18 (00:50:58)
1030. 1210. 1030. Reiter, Sebastian 183. M35 DE 00:52:18 (00:51:14)
1031. 1211. 1031. Vandendries, Gilles 171. M30 LU 00:52:19 (00:49:30)
1032. 1213. 1032. Brizion, Benoit 160. M40 FR POST Luxembourg 00:52:19 (00:51:43)
1033. 1215. 1033. Weyland, Laurent 161. M40 LU 00:52:20 (00:50:17)
1034. 1216. 1034. Losch, Patrick 172. M30 LU 00:52:20 (00:50:58)
1035. 1217. 1035. Eicher, Zock 140. M45 LUX 00:52:20 (00:51:21)
1036. 1218. 1036. Longo, Pasquale 96. M50 LU Servior 00:52:20 (00:50:32)
1037. 1219. 1037. Pondel, Mateusz 184. M35 PL 00:52:21 (00:52:01)
1038. 1220. 1038. Feiereisen, Pierrot 141. M45 L ASPELS 00:52:21 (00:51:17)
1039. 1221. 1039. Kamphaus, Eric 150. MHK LU 00:52:21 (00:50:28)
1040. 1222. 1040. Leclercq, Philippe 142. M45 BE 00:52:21 (00:51:24)
1041. 1225. 1041. Krier, Paul 185. M35 LU 00:52:22 (00:49:33)
1042. 1226. 1042. Todd, Kevin 143. M45 GB 00:52:22 (00:49:37)
1043. 1227. 1043. Klos, Paul-Matthias 51. M55 DE CITY-SPORT 00:52:22 (00:49:32)
1044. 1228. 1044. Motika, Gabor 186. M35 HU 00:52:22 (00:50:15)
1045. 1230. 1045. Da Silva, Carlos 162. M40 LUX 00:52:23 (00:50:14)
1046. 1232. 1046. Comes, Marc 163. M40 LU 00:52:25 (00:50:14)
1047. 1233. 1047. Kugener, Marc 164. M40 L 00:52:28 (00:51:37)
1048. 1234. 1048. Wernher, Frederic 173. M30 FR PwC Luxembourg 00:52:29 (00:51:10)
1049. 1235. 1049. Hofmann, Romain 97. M50 LU ALGSO 00:52:30 (00:50:29)
1050. 1237. 1050. Silvestri, Antonio 19. M60 LU 00:52:31 (00:49:51)
1051. 1238. 1051. Marques, Lino 144. M45 LU 00:52:31 (00:50:11)
1052. 1239. 1052. Goncalo, Jose 52. M55 PT 00:52:32 (00:50:50)
1053. 1240. 1053. Afonso Da Cunha, Jorge 53. M55 PT 00:52:32 (00:50:51)
1054. 1241. 1054. Capelletti, Nicola 165. M40 LUX 00:52:33 (00:49:12)
1055. 1242. 1055. Bessa, Vitor 187. M35 PT 00:52:34 (00:50:04)
1056. 1243. 1056. Costa, Pedro 166. M40 PT 00:52:34 (00:50:18)
1057. 1244. 1057. Jons, Frank 98. M50 FR 00:52:34 (00:49:54)
1058. 1245. 1058. Meyer, Andy 174. M30 LU 00:52:35 (00:52:12)
1059. 1246. 1059. ALFF, Christian 167. M40 LUX LT Hesper 00:52:36 (00:51:44)
1060. 1247. 1060. Hoffmann, Ben 151. MHK LU SC Beruffspompjëeen 00:52:37 (00:50:12)
1061. 1248. 1061. Dantas Dias, Adriano 62. MJU PT 00:52:37 (00:50:33)
1062. 1249. 1062. Greis, Daniel 63. MJU LU RBUAP 00:52:38 (00:50:51)
1063. 1250. 1063. Rea, Jason 99. M50 GB 00:52:38 (00:51:22)
1064. 1251. 1064. Zeeuw, Walter 188. M35 LU 00:52:39 (00:49:56)
1065. 1253. 1065. Büchler, Francois 175. M30 LUX 00:52:39 (00:50:47)
1066. 1254. 1066. Ibrahim, Ibrahim 64. MJU SY Caritas Luxembourg 00:52:39 (00:51:12)
1067. 1255. 1067. Groeber, Jeff 168. M40 LU Team Apero 00:52:40 (00:49:15)
1068. 1256. 1068. Weiler, Alain 169. M40 LU Déi Noutemer 00:52:40 (00:51:35)
1069. 1257. 1069. Dutton, Lewis 152. MHK GB 00:52:40 (00:51:16)
1070. 1259. 1070. Rossi, Daniel 153. MHK LU Armée Luxembourg 00:52:42 (00:49:38)
1071. 1261. 1071. Kiefer, Patrick 145. M45 LU 00:52:43 (00:50:39)
1072. 1262. 1072. Lepage, Jeo 189. M35 LUX 00:52:44 (00:50:05)
1073. 1264. 1073. Hermes, Patrick 54. M55 LU Remicher Rieflais 00:52:45 (00:51:18)
1074. 1265. 1074. Boutou, Pierre 170. M40 FR PwC Luxembourg 00:52:45 (00:51:27)
1075. 1266. 1075. Campanella, Pietro 20. M60 IT LT Hesper 00:52:46 (00:52:01)
1076. 1267. 1076. LUX, Robert 100. M50 LUX LT Hesper 00:52:46 (00:52:02)
1077. 1269. 1077. Borschette, Mike 171. M40 LU Lënster Lycée 00:52:47 (00:49:40)
1078. 1270. 1078. Chenallet, Gregory 176. M30 FR Mizuho Running Team 00:52:48 (00:50:10)
1079. 1271. 1079. Cungs, Metti 190. M35 LUX 00:52:48 (00:51:18)
1080. 1274. 1080. Hein, Patrick 172. M40 FR Fdcrunning 00:52:50 (00:52:11)
1081. 1275. 1081. Muno, Jerry 191. M35 LU 00:52:51 (00:51:55)
1082. 1277. 1082. Turquin, Xavier 173. M40 LU BGL Running 00:52:52 (00:50:27)
1083. 1279. 1083. Lombardi, Alessandro 174. M40 IT 00:52:52 (00:52:28)
1084. 1281. 1084. Recchia, Pascal 192. M35 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:52:53 (00:52:10)
1085. 1283. 1085. Reichling, Gilbert 146. M45 LU 00:52:53 (00:51:27)
1086. 1284. 1086. Bortollon, Philippe 147. M45 FR POST Luxembourg 00:52:53 (00:51:18)
1087. 1285. 1087. Anguilli, Aldo 193. M35 LU 00:52:53 (00:51:58)
1088. 1286. 1088. Poirel, Fabrice 175. M40 FR BIL Runners 00:52:54 (00:50:32)
1089. 1287. 1089. Loguercio, Mick 148. M45 LU 00:52:54 (00:52:02)
1090. 1289. 1090. Wampach, Gust 55. M55 LU 00:52:55 (00:51:31)
1091. 1291. 1091. Ciacchini, Alessandro 56. M55 L 00:52:55 (00:51:21)
1092. 1292. 1092. Thein, Didier 176. M40 LU 00:52:56 (00:51:34)
1093. 1293. 1093. Cikotic, Denis 177. M30 LU 00:52:56 (00:51:16)
1094. 1294. 1094. Patiri, Andre 101. M50 IT 00:52:57 (00:52:44)
1095. 1295. 1095. Schoenherr, Jens 149. M45 LU Sales-Lentz 00:52:58 (00:52:37)
1096. 1296. 1096. Birchem, Tom 150. M45 LU BCEE 00:52:59 (00:52:09)
1097. 1297. 1097. Fonck, Edy 57. M55 LU 00:52:59 (00:52:19)
1098. 1298. 1098. Weyland, Michael 178. M30 FR 00:52:59 (00:52:16)
1099. 1299. 1099. Greis, Christophe 194. M35 LUX Däkipp 00:53:00 (00:51:48)
1100. 1300. 1100. Minne, Emmanuel 195. M35 BE 00:53:00 (00:52:25)