Ergebnisse: 21. Postlaf 2016 10km Postlaf

Filter (zum entfernen drauf klicken):Klasse: M35 [x]
Platz PlG. Name PlK. Klasse Nation Verein Zeit  
1. 2. 2. Kinde, Yonas 1. M35 LU Caritas Luxembourg 00:30:16 (00:30:16)
2. 6. 6. Nothum, Vincent 2. M35 LU Caritas Luxembourg 00:33:05 (00:33:04)
3. 10. 10. Groben, Pascal 3. M35 LU Caritas Luxembourg 00:33:47 (00:33:45)
4. 11. 11. Alexander, Frazer 4. M35 LU CAB Luxemburg 00:34:20 (00:34:19)
5. 15. 15. Schweitzer, Frank 5. M35 LU Administration des Douane 00:35:02 (00:34:59)
6. 18. 18. Liotino, Frederic 6. M35 LU FDC Running 00:35:23 (00:35:22)
7. 22. 22. Hodgson, Gavin 7. M35 LUX X3M 00:35:43 (00:35:39)
8. 25. 25. Crommelinck, Gauthier 8. M35 LU RBC Runners 00:35:57 (00:35:56)
9. 26. 26. Grounds, Simon 9. M35 GB Amazon Runners 00:36:02 (00:35:57)
10. 31. 31. Melanda, Licinio 10. M35 PT Bear Territory 00:36:27 (00:36:23)
11. 33. 33. Thuy, Dan 11. M35 LU 00:36:31 (00:36:28)
12. 34. 34. KNUDSEN, Morten 12. M35 DNK 00:36:33 (00:36:31)
13. 35. 35. Scheuer, Claude 13. M35 L CAEG 00:36:36 (00:36:33)
14. 40. 40. Bourezghi, Ismail 14. M35 LUX CAB Luxemburg 00:36:46 (00:36:45)
15. 46. 45. POOS, CHRISTIAN 15. M35 LUX Saf zeisseng 00:37:15 (00:37:13)
16. 49. 48. HILD, Romain 16. M35 LUX LTB 00:37:18 (00:37:13)
17. 57. 56. Palomba, Antonio 17. M35 IT 00:37:45 (00:37:40)
18. 62. 60. Dondlinger, Thierry 18. M35 LU 00:37:58 (00:37:56)
19. 65. 63. Da Costa, Rogerio 19. M35 LU Sales-Lentz 00:38:01 (00:37:57)
20. 78. 76. Ginter, Christian 20. M35 LU 00:38:28 (00:38:19)
21. 86. 83. Prigent, Yannick 21. M35 BNP Paribas Fortis 00:38:38 (00:38:33)
22. 95. 92. Schot, Thomas 22. M35 BE FDCrunning 00:38:59 (00:38:56)
23. 96. 93. Keilen, Mike 23. M35 LU 00:39:00 (00:38:57)
24. 99. 95. Watelet, Gregory 24. M35 BE 00:39:03 (00:38:48)
25. 102. 98. Hübsch, Eric 25. M35 LU CA Dudelange 00:39:08 (00:39:02)
26. 112. 108. Useldinger, Michel 26. M35 LU Celtic Diekirch 00:39:23 (00:39:19)
27. 124. 119. Thill, Tom 27. M35 LU 00:39:51 (00:39:46)
28. 130. 124. Kayser, Franky 28. M35 LU Amicale POST Luxembourg 00:39:55 (00:39:38)
29. 133. 127. Szefer, Michael 29. M35 FR 00:40:09 (00:40:03)
30. 135. 129. Caetano, Yves 30. M35 LU CAD 00:40:14 (00:39:56)
31. 138. 132. Quintus, Luc 31. M35 L 00:40:19 (00:40:06)
32. 140. 134. Biancalani, Ludovic 32. M35 FR LB Coaching 00:40:24 (00:40:15)
33. 153. 146. Peixoto, Elio 33. M35 LU 00:40:44 (00:40:29)
34. 154. 147. Brandt, Gregory 34. M35 BE RTL Runners Team Luxbg 00:40:44 (00:40:35)
35. 157. 150. Gordet, Gregoire 35. M35 LUX 00:40:49 (00:40:44)
36. 162. 155. Ries, Jeff 36. M35 LU Ville de Luxembourg 00:40:53 (00:40:38)
37. 165. 158. Foetz, Charles 37. M35 L 00:40:56 (00:40:34)
38. 168. 161. Gerard, François 38. M35 BE PwC Luxembourg 00:41:00 (00:40:54)
39. 171. 164. Rauen, Yves 39. M35 LU 00:41:02 (00:40:58)
40. 174. 167. Steffen, Gilles 40. M35 LU LTB 00:41:10 (00:40:49)
41. 177. 170. Duchene, Christian 41. M35 LU 00:41:12 (00:41:07)
42. 179. 172. MARX, Laurent 42. M35 LU 00:41:16 (00:40:52)
43. 180. 173. Simon, Romain 43. M35 LU 00:41:17 (00:41:14)
44. 186. 179. Deica, Sterie 44. M35 RO 00:41:24 (00:41:19)
45. 188. 180. Laheurte, Nicolas 45. M35 FR POST Luxembourg 00:41:25 (00:41:08)
46. 193. 185. Kass, Olivier 46. M35 LU 00:41:29 (00:41:19)
47. 194. 186. Butscher, Frederic 47. M35 FR Bofferding 00:41:30 (00:41:21)
48. 197. 189. Saez, Javier 48. M35 LU RBC Runners 00:41:30 (00:41:19)
49. 206. 198. Jacquemet, François 49. M35 FR Arendt & Medernach SA 00:41:39 (00:41:29)
50. 212. 203. Rehibi, Sebastien 50. M35 FRA TGV 54 00:41:51 (00:41:47)
51. 214. 205. Hulten, Claudine 51. M35 L 00:41:52 (00:41:36)
52. 221. 212. Dostert, Mike 52. M35 Run2gether 00:41:57 (00:41:23)
53. 231. 221. Hueso, Guillaume 53. M35 FR Europa Runners 00:42:02 (00:41:58)
54. 236. 226. Schmidt, David 54. M35 FR PwC Luxembourg 00:42:04 (00:41:43)
55. 238. 228. Theisen, Roland 55. M35 LU 00:42:10 (00:41:52)
56. 240. 230. LEROY, NICOLAS 56. M35 FR 00:42:12 (00:41:43)
57. 243. 233. Hensel, Jean 57. M35 L CAD 00:42:20 (00:42:06)
58. 255. 245. Debouck, Matthieu 58. M35 B TRAKKS/DRP 00:42:32 (00:42:25)
59. 258. 247. Star, Pascal 59. M35 LU 00:42:37 (00:42:08)
60. 261. 249. ENGEL, PHILIPPE 60. M35 KBL Runners 00:42:38 (00:42:22)
61. 264. 252. Varlet, Christian 61. M35 FRA 00:42:41 (00:42:32)
62. 276. 262. Mersch, Marc 62. M35 LU 00:42:52 (00:42:35)
63. 278. 264. Gaudron, Jean-luc 63. M35 LU 00:42:57 (00:42:19)
64. 284. 270. Comis, Laurent 64. M35 LU RBC Runners 00:43:04 (00:42:51)
65. 285. 271. Oudjaoud, Mickael 65. M35 FRA Team Boulets 57 00:43:05 (00:42:36)
66. 289. 273. Lampach, Thierry 66. M35 LU 00:43:11 (00:42:44)
67. 292. 276. Oth, Patrick 67. M35 LU 00:43:13 (00:42:21)
68. 293. 277. Gracin, Steve 68. M35 LU 00:43:14 (00:43:01)
69. 306. 288. Moulie, Nicolas 69. M35 FR 00:43:22 (00:41:32)
70. 307. 289. Ley, Laurent 70. M35 LU 00:43:23 (00:42:55)
71. 318. 300. Emeringer, Tom 71. M35 LU LTB 00:43:33 (00:43:13)
72. 323. 305. D'Amico, Marco 72. M35 LU BCEE 00:43:41 (00:42:59)
73. 337. 316. Hebisch, Raoul 73. M35 LU CA Belvaux 00:43:52 (00:43:40)
74. 342. 321. Alzin, Philippe 74. M35 LU Ceratizit 00:43:52 (00:43:35)
75. 357. 335. Schmit, Philippe 75. M35 FR Arendt & Medernach SA 00:44:09 (00:43:49)
76. 358. 336. Goerens, Pierre 76. M35 LU 00:44:09 (00:43:25)
77. 368. 345. Blasen, Yves 77. M35 LU 00:44:19 (00:43:54)
78. 369. 346. Marche, Christian 78. M35 LU CAEG 00:44:20 (00:44:11)
79. 379. 356. Klein, Marc 79. M35 LU CAB 00:44:24 (00:44:15)
80. 388. 364. Steichen, Kevin 80. M35 LU Ville de Luxembourg 00:44:29 (00:43:56)
81. 390. 366. Kolovratník, David 81. M35 CZ 00:44:31 (00:42:48)
82. 394. 370. Pereira, Nuno 82. M35 LUX 00:44:35 (00:44:10)
83. 398. 374. Reding, Georges 83. M35 L 00:44:37 (00:44:18)
84. 410. 385. Reiter, Michel 84. M35 LU 00:44:48 (00:44:07)
85. 412. 387. Engel, Yves 85. M35 LU Lafclub Police Grand-Duca 00:44:51 (00:44:16)
86. 421. 394. O'Rourke, Damien 86. M35 IE POST Luxembourg 00:44:57 (00:44:43)
87. 425. 397. Zaglaniczny, MichaI 87. M35 PL KAFAREK&LEWAREK 00:45:01 (00:44:55)
88. 435. 406. Weber, Romain 88. M35 LU 00:45:08 (00:44:50)
89. 448. 418. Goubet, Pierre -Yves 89. M35 FR POST Group - EBRC 00:45:19 (00:44:03)
90. 467. 436. Prim, Claude 90. M35 LU 00:45:33 (00:43:36)
91. 474. 441. Reuter, Laurent 91. M35 LU 00:45:38 (00:44:19)
92. 478. 445. Sonde, Herve 92. M35 FR 00:45:40 (00:45:05)
93. 482. 448. Fisch, Yves 93. M35 LU 00:45:43 (00:45:13)
94. 490. 455. Linckels, Sven 94. M35 LU 00:45:50 (00:45:29)
95. 509. 471. Barroso, Ricardo 95. M35 PT CDCL SA 00:46:02 (00:45:43)
96. 534. 491. Rodrigues, Tun 96. M35 LU Los Burros 00:46:13 (00:45:32)
97. 541. 496. Michaely, Danni 97. M35 LU 00:46:17 (00:45:51)
98. 549. 504. Oswald, Jerry 98. M35 LU 00:46:21 (00:44:11)
99. 555. 509. Giuliano, Cesare 99. M35 LU Immo La Cité 00:46:23 (00:46:21)
100. 557. 511. Eckel, Cyrille 100. M35 FR 00:46:23 (00:46:01)